Adana Mam Legros
Artist & Activist
Anatta អនត្តា - あなた
& DanceFlix
Phnom Penh Dance Studio is announcing their grand opening recital ‘Anatta &Danceflix’ on 17th January 2021 at the Grand Phokeethra Ballroom of Sofitel, in collaboration with Adana Mam, founder of Generation C Cambodia.
Anatta &Danceflix
The performance, which is also the grand opening recital of Phnom Penh Dance Studio, will be composed of two parts, Anatta and Danceflix.
In the first part of the show, Phnom Penh Dance Studio team prepared 6 dances of different genres, choreographed to convey 6 themes chosen by Generation C.
Anatta means the absence of self in Pali language – no me, no I, no mine the main building block for a more humane ethical code adapted to the challenges of our modern life. We are inspired by past philosophies, namely Buddhist teachings and humanism. Anatta will be highlighting important values such as solidarity, compassion, respect, and responsibility.
The second part of the show is much more fun and relaxation though. As one of the school’s regular semi-yearly performances for students to display what they have been learning in classes and a real stage experience to enrich their knowledge, the theme this year is chosen to be Danceflix, with various originally-created dances basing on the most popular Netflix movies and TV series.
Having been through this unprecedented 2020, please save your date to enjoy the last bit of the year with a joyful heart.

About Anatta:
Today our modern society is built through competition, consumption, greed, and power. We have lost the common sense and awareness of the core values of life. We are not only facing a psychological identity crisis but a worldwide environmental catastrophe and rising social instability. The system has reached its limits, exposing our weaknesses as a civilization.
To face this pandemic, there is an urgent need for global resilience. Each obstacle challenging humankind should be a lesson to be learned, it's time to adapt, time to change and act.
As the young generation, it is our duty to be part of this transformation. To redefine our mindset, rebuilding a new and strong foundation for the world, one that integrates a new set of values.
Anatta means the absence of self in Pali language – no me, no I, no mine – the main building block for a more humane ethical code adapted to the challenges of our modern life. We are inspired by past philosophies, namely Buddhist teachings and humanism, and we fight for a truly empathetic civilization where the art of living together is not a mere idea or concept but a practical reality.
Anatta is a dance performance highlighting important values that should play a major role in each conscious citizen's life, such as solidarity, compassion, respect, and responsibility. This performance includes as well the realization of the impermanence of everything, embracing the goal of reconnecting our mind to the sense of time.
Anatta will take place at the Sofitel Ballroom on December 6th, in collaboration with Phnom Penh Dance Studio, and as part of a set of events by Generation C that aims to highlight the importance of human values lost throughout our history. This performance combines Classical, Hip Hop, Apsara traditional ballet, and contemporary dance with a theatrical component playing with themes of the Convivialist movement.