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Adana  is President and Cofounder of  President of Generation C & GlobAction FB_-1628-2.jpg
Art with purpose 

From Art exhibition to art show involving not only artwork but dance performance, fashion show, culinary art, Adana uses different way to convey her philosophy, concepts and message of activism. 


  • 06.12.2020 In Collaboration with Phnom Penh Dance Studio, Adana inspired the dancers with ''Anatta'' a dance performance highlighting important values that should play a major role in each conscious citizen's life, such as solidarity, compassion, respect and responsibility. 


  • 19.12.2020 Exhibition on the Sens FB_-1346.jpg
Art of Charity

She uses art to share message of her activism. All her art show has a particular purpose.

She raises funds with the art sale for different organizations 


  • 12.2020 Exhibition at Sosoro Museum in collaboration with the Director of the National Bank.


  • All proceed of sales during RenaiSenses Art Exhibition went to Less Cancer Foundation. During the show, $1160 was raised for the foundation on June 15th 2018. More information about Less Cancer foundation visite : FB_-1957.jpg

Adana give lectures in Cambodia. Her main subject is consciousness and empathy. Educate people to be self-aware and self-conscious, to be ethical. Lower our negative impact on ourselves as well as our surroundings and the world. Knowing the impact of our thoughts and actions on our surroundings as well as our environment is a path to becoming more compassionate, more ethical.


  • 18.08.2019

Conference on ''Ways to Self Understanding'' with Lok Kou Sopheap, Noem Chhunny, and Adana Legros.


  • 17.12.2019

Conference at BELTI university on Psychological Resilience


Activism for the environment

In Cambodia, she participates with ''Baitong Warrior'', an organisation which helps to protect Cambodia's forests and educate the people on environmental issues. 


On the 03.08.2019 hundreds of volunteers has planted over a thousand trees in Siem Reap and Aural mountain. 

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