Adana Mam Legros
Artist & Activist
Adana paintings of nude, brown and elegant bodies surrounded by golden halos were a way for Adana to mix suffering and resilience, honoring the stories of exploited women who surrounded her earlier in life. Her recent works are auto portraits showing herself surrounded by Cambodian elements, a reminder of her motherland, interlacing with symbols of French colonial area. Her artwork expresses her identity crisis, her quest to feel a sense of belonging and integration while being torn between two cultural heritage that were intertwined in heavy pasts, from the French protectorate era to the indirect implication of the West in the Khmer rouge genocide.
Her creations express not only her existential dissonance and bewilderment from being multicultural but her journey in forging resilience through her tumultuous life- fighting cancer. She uses her personal story to point out human deviant behaviors leading to wars, destruction and civilization collapse. It is in the chaos that, she argues that the need to develop emotional intelligence and build resilience as individuals and as a species is necessary. Her philosophical, social and spiritual reflexions lead to political and humanitarian actions.
Official launch of
Generation C International
Gazette Café Montpellier, France - Avril 2023